I Am An...Influencer
My Story: How I Became An Author
(unmute video if no sound)

Click on the buttons below to go to my series of children's books:
Let's get moving every day for a year with Movetoday365 - a fun event to keep us active and healthy!

Sunday, May 18, 2025
9am - 12pm PDT
@Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History

My Story: How I Started Movetoday365
(unmute video if no sound)
We made BIG Strides in 2024 and looking forward to 2025!January 11
February 8
March 8
April 12
May 10
June 14
July 12
August 9
September 13
October 11
November 8
December 13
Check out the Movetoday365 Store which is filled with cool merch to warm your family as you enjoy the Great Outdoors:

People are Talking!
Send me an email by filling out the Contact Form below if you are interested in inviting me to speak, consult, or serve as a guest on your podcast.Let's talk soon!
Thank you for visiting. Click below to go to Russ Rogers' Instagram to see some cool pictures!
"Everyone knows we need to move, but usually we plan that for tomorrow and, as the old saying goes, tomorrow never comes. That’s why it is so important to be reminded that we need to move today and everyday of the year! If I just determine to do something today for even 15-20 minutes, I find the momentum moves me beyond what I originally planned. It’s so important to realize that a little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing!!! I am grateful for the @movetoday365 campaign and the reminder it gives to all of us that health starts today."~Wellness Coordinator
Santa Clara Police & Fire Departments
"MoveToday 365 is a powerful movement driven by Russel Rogers because he sees the importance and impact of moving! It’s an intentional approach to get people reconnected with the outdoors and each other. We cannot keep doing what we are doing with zooms and cell phones. Go old school and move today to move to a happier place in life!"~Jeff F.
"I just listened to your recent podcast with Jeff Forrester. I love your message. I was born in 1981 I tell my children all the time I wish I could take them back to the late 80’s early 90’s. Myself and my siblings lived outside life was amazing and we were silly enough to say things like we couldn’t wait to grow up. The adult life isn’t bad lol. I am outside every chance I get, I’m outside right now. Myself and my little family love the outdoors. I like the sound of the movement you are starting. Screens down, tv’s off get outside and get moving. Have a great night sir."~ God Bless from Kentucky.
"Cool email about the Move 365! I am pumped up for you and I like the logo, I still read your books with my kids regularly and they love your family photos at the back!"~ Reed.
"Exciting - I loved your latest email. Isn't it great when you follow a new path - looks like the stars are aligning for you✨⭐️🌟."~ Ita.